i cook. i bake. i eat.

Upon leaving for Southeast Asia I made a list of goals. The date of our departure perfectly lined up with the new year and although I generally forgo compiling an epic list of generic new year's resolutions, I really couldn't help myself. I'm the type of lady that is constantly making lists and resolutions- I stick them to doors, next to our bed, on walls.  I believe we are all continuously growing, why should resolutions be made just once a year? In reality we can push the reset button whenever we like, no restrictions. Back to this list of mine. Usually when such lists are made I throw in a few curveballs. Exhibit A: perfect your handstand. That goals sits at the top of my list for this journey. Perfecting ones' handstand would require a foundation of some sort, a bit of familiarity with the posture- which I don't have. I blame that specific goal on Chrissy LeFavor, a true yoga goddess who makes handstands look effortless. A few other bullet points on this list, practice yoga everyday, 200 crunches everyday, meditate. These aren't as far-fetched as the previous. Jam and I both enjoy yoga and thankfully one of our favorite studios to practice at has a handful of podcasts online that we've been utilizing. Yoga is followed by 20 minutes of meditation. A routine of sorts. 200 crunches on the other hand has been fully neglected.

So I began this post with the intention of telling you about my latest addition to this list. I was feeling a bit guilty about abandoning my handstand dreams. I call it a curveball goal for a reason folks. So while stretching after yoga the other day I thought, why not replace "handstand" with"split." I k now, kinda ridiculous. But I am really quite close. And lately I can't stop talking about the circus. I made Jam promise that he would join me for a night at Circus Smirkus this summer, and if we hadn't left Battambang, Cambodia when we did I would have forced him to go to the circus there too. Adding "perfect your split" to the list makes me laugh. Usually my goals  focus on inner and outer well being. In the most simplest of senses, I try to stay away from restrictions, but instead try to foster and encourage positive habits. "Perfect your split" adds a bit of humor. Everyone's list of resolutions needs humor.

I hope everyone's list making of resolutions has been a happy one. I realize I'm a bit late in writing this but I want to encourage all of you to entertain the idea of keeping an ever-changing, forever self-revising stack of goals in your back pocket. Let them be dreams, let them be lofty- more importantly  let them morph in something else. Allow them to grow big and find joy and humor amidst it all.

On the note of finding joy. I've found joy in this Fish Amok. A dish I can proudly say I made- start to finish. While in Battambang, Cambodia I took my first cooking course since traveling abroad. A wonderful morning spent with a local chef cooking up the food of his homeland. 

This post will be dedicated to making the curry paste. Next week fish amok! Some of the below ingredients may be hard to find, so I've included acceptable replacements. With that said, I highly recommend taking the time to find everything on this list!

Curry Paste:

20 grams lemongrass- thinly sliced. Lemongrass or citronella is a straw like grass which has a distinctive lemony flavor. The outer layer of the lemongrass stalk should be discarded as well as the straw like top. Only use the bottom third. You can store the remainder in your fridge for 2-3 weeks. 

Lemon peel can be used as a substitute.

2 thin slices of ginza

Ginza is also known as galangal . It is a pale yellow root similar to ginger. The outer skin should be removed before using. Ginza will keep for 2-3 weeks in your refrigerator.

Ginger can be used as a substitute.

1-2 thick slices of turmeric root

Turmeric is a small root and it's bright orange in color. It looks similar to ginger. Before using make sure to remove  the outer skin. Turmeric will keep 2-3 weeks in your refrigerator. 

Turmeric powder can be used as a substitute.  

2 kaffir lime leaves with stems- thin slices

A kaffir lime is a dark green knobby lime. Kaffir leaves will keep in your refrigerator for 2 weeks

1/2 teaspoon of lemon ride = 1 kaffir lime leaf.

7 cloves garlic with skin removed- crushed

2-4 dried red chillies with seeds and heads removed- minced

1/2 teaspoon salt

Place all the ingredients in a mortar and grind/pound to a smooth paste. The paste will keep for one week stored in an airtight container in your refrigerator. 

Stay tuned for fish amok.


Minced lemongrass
Kaffir lime leaves
Minced chili peppers
Turmeric root
Curry paste
Jam eating his first Cambodia pork bun- love at first bite!
The trees are so tall and beautiful
Angkor Wat mornings
Battambang, Cambodia
Angkor Wat

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